Monday, 1 October 2012

Venus, Fly & Trap... (greyscale)

Okay, okay...! I know I'm just an old attention seeking smut monger, but now that I do have your attention, don't forget to check out the regular updates & new "Art" on my Filthy Moods Blog...

Go on, just click on the link & see for your self!!

Friday, 28 September 2012

"Gimme Danger.. Gimme Somethin!"

What's this guy sellin'?

Nothin' really - It's just another ploy to get you to check out my Filthy Moods cartoon link & see this in colour along with loads of new drawings & cartoons!!!

C'mon... Just click, it's right next to you, see...

Monday, 24 September 2012

"Not Again.."?

That's what he thinks! Click on the Filthy Moods Blog link to see NEW stuff!!!

Saturday, 22 September 2012

"Planet of Alien Eyeballs"!

Huh? ...What's this?

Check out my other Blog at Filthy Moods (Just click on the link) to see this and more!!!

Friday, 7 September 2012

Huh (Again)?

Yep, there's new UG style stuff on the Filthy Moods Blog, just click on the link & grit yer teeth!

Thank you for listening.


If you want to see the rest of this picture & even more stuff! Click on the Filthy Moods  link.

It's just over there...

Sunday, 5 August 2012

"Meanwhile, back on the farm..."

A sketchbook drawing done today, but posted on here as my other Blog is a bit clogged up at the moment with all the stuff I've posted lately. So here it is.

This was intended to be the rough for a colour piece, but... We'll see.


Wednesday, 1 August 2012

UTOPIA Redux - Shameless Promotion Dept...

Well, I know that I've neglected my Obscure UK Underground Blog for a while now. So, being underground & fairly obscure, I'd like to grab this opportunity and give you a "preview" of my next project (Some people use the term Flash in the Pan.)

Anyway, here are some quick colour roughs of my recent sketchbook drawings (I hear that it's so passe to colour inside the lines these days, dahling...) Just markers on screen prints to give an idea of the colour schemes.

I'm going to be drawing up the first 5 pages or so of my Utopia Redux comic book & pitching it around soon. I'm also planning some nice lookin' "art" prints based on the more interesting images from my latest stuff...

Whaddya think? There must be some peeling wallpaper or an embarrassing damp patch somewhere in your home that needs covering up... 

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Boids versus Rocks - "Indigestion"

I've always been attracted to the idea of writing & drawing a "simple" gag strip for the newspapers. Let's face it -  There just ain't any Pogo's or Krazy Kat's anymore! Look at the shit the 'papers publish these days!

I'm cross-eyed with indignation just thinkin' about it!

But mostly I wanted to simplify my style so that I could make a shit load of money and knock out a few strips in the morning, so that I could spend the rest of the day drinking and watching DVD's. It's good to have ambition!

I don't think I can pull off a "simple" style though. I think all those years of drawing in a "comic book" style have made me a bit heavy handed... 

"Boids versus Rocks" The Philospher's Groan

These were done on cartridge paper with Brush & Ink as part of a "sample" package/presentation a while back.

The bird in these two strips (This & above) have evolved into a generic "Cartoon Crow" unlike the bird in the strip on my other Blog.

What else is there to say? Birds = Dumb, Rocks = Smart. What was Darwin thinking?

The Princess and the Pea-Pul

Here's the Black & White version... Brush & Ink on 2-Ply Bristol Board

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Emile Kodva IV

Here's the Black & White (Brush and Ink on 2-ply Bristol Board) from the same bunch of stuff as Frankenplug.

There'll no doubt be a colour version of this posted on my Filthy Moods Blog any time soon. Or if you're reading this next week it's probably already there.

The Pessimoid!!!

Pages 1,2,3,4, 6 & 7 of The Pessimoid, brother of The Optimoid. In '94 I was out on my ear, as far as getting commercial work was concerned. A fuckin' bad year, and then some. My two main clients had both quit business in the space of a month or two.

I wrote and drew a half dozen strips for a comic I called Filthy Moods (Where the name of my other Blog comes from) For some stupid reason (It was quicker) I drew in markers which was a big fucking mistake. The stories were all good. I was taking more interest in my writing, but that don't put the food on the table and I was trying to draw up gags and "newspaper" style cartoons to try to break into a different market.

So, here, and below are a few samples from the disaster that was originally Filthy Moods.

You youngsters out there make sure that you view this as a cautionary tale..!   

Lewis Carroll in Manila!

Pages 1, 4 & 5 from Kiss and Tell Inside The Monkeyhouse, from Filthy Moods comic 1994.

I read a newspaper article about the gulf between the wealthy and the poor in Manila and the sheer levels of degradation and poverty that is so prolific. However, it was written by the sports correspondent and this appealed to my sense of irony.

Naturally, I decided to update Lewis Carroll, well-known children's author, favourite of Queen Victoria and escort to young girls. Here he dreams of a future when he is disgraced for his association with Alice and forced to work as a tabloid gossip columnist.

Well, it made sense at the time. Shame the art was so rushed and shitty.

Sigmund Freud Versus The Minotaur!

This is the first story that I wrote for the Filthy Moods comic. I won't inflict the rest of the story on you. I'm sure that you've done nothing to deserve it, anyway.

I've always liked the Greek Myths (probably from watching Jason and the Argonauts as a kid!) and, Shh! Don't tell anybody, but always thought Freud was a bit of a crank. Needless to say in this story Siggy gets Ariadne and nicks all the Myths to claim them for his own crackpot theories. 

Monday, 2 April 2012

Comic Mart Flyer

As the previous post, with colour & text guides. Not strictly "Underground Comix"... But from that period and certainly "Obscure"!

(Unfinished) "Comic Mart" Flyer

Too big to fit in the scanner...

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Idiots Are Coming! Bird. Cat & Dog Print.

Yes, they are... Stuff cribbed from sketchbooks, to paste up as part of a "mini-comic" & later partially coloured.

Linework for a colour print. Don't know what it's called yet but... Stay tuned!

More Commander Thunder - Chris Welch Art!!

Another strip clipped from a copy of Sounds music paper c. August 1977.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Commander Thunder! Chris Welch Art

This was a (mostly) weekly strip written by Chris Rowley and drawn by Chris "Ogoth" Welch. It appeared in Sounds, a British music paper during the summer of 1977.

 ...This episode features a deadline-crunching jam with Chris and Hunt Emerson. 

Hunt Emerson/Forever People ad...

Here's a great ad by Hunt for Forever People comic store drawn circa 1977 and published in a British Fanzine (Fantasy Trader, I think...)

Hunt Emerson & Chris Welch - KAK 77

Interior page from the KAK 77 comic with Hunt and Chris Welch...

Sunday, 26 February 2012

More Vintage Hunt Emerson!

This is the front of a wraparound cover for KAK 77 By Hunt Emerson. There's old & rare stuff on the interiors by Hunt, Chris Welch and Bryan Talbot amongst others. Great stuff!

Seaside Postcard...

What's a "sea-side postcard" doing on a Blog about Obscure UK Undergound Comix? When was this done? And why??

"Who is Cubby Hole?"...

Good question. This was done as a two-tier weekly strip that wound up in my "Never-to-be-seen-again" pile. It was done in colour as it was part of the presentation/pitch.


I drew this after a local newspaper editor rejected samples of a "Cat and Mouse" gag strip that I submitted. Obviously, I wasn't taking criticism too well at the time...

This is scanned from a photocopy. The original was pen and ink with letratones on Bristol Board.